A Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for all things related to meeting the needs of volunteers at your club, including assessing your club’s requirements for volunteers, recruitment, conveying information, and managing volunteer well-being and motivation. Some of the responsibilities of a Volunteer Coordinator include:
- Providing job descriptions for all tasks
- Plan the recruitment strategy
- Hold regular meetings with Volunteers
- Supervise Volunteers or enlist the help of other members to supervise Volunteers
- Keep up‐to‐date records of all Volunteers
- Keep Volunteers motivated and enthusiastic
- Ensuring that each Volunteer has training and help to carry out their designated tasks
- Making Volunteers feel appreciated by public and personal acknowledgements
- Ensuring the right person is found for the particular job and that where there is a mismatch that the Volunteer’s feelings are considered and valued
- Revise Volunteer duties
- Liaise with other committee members regularly