Australia is a highly diverse country, made up of many nationalities, religions and races. New immigrants arrive in our great country all the time, looking for ways to become part of their community. Joining a swim club is a great start on the pathway to inclusion and allows members of your community to make new friendships, learn a life skill and to learn English through conversation.

Aside from the many physical benefits it provides, the ability to swim (and swim well) offers cultural and social benefits. Competent swimmers can participate in swimming clubs and ocean swimming throughout their lives. Summer trips to the beach become opportunities to cool down and have fun instead of being potentially dangerous.

Members of squad-based and ocean swimming clubs also give back to their communities and find purpose through the act of volunteering.

Swimming Australia’s goal is to build participation and connection by creating an inclusive swimming community, where all Australians feel welcome, have equal opportunities and are treated with respect.

Our Goals

1. All Australians feel welcome, safe, valued and celebrated in swimming.

2. All Australian can participate in the role and at the level of their choice in swimming.

3. Australia’s diversity is reflected in swimming. 

For more information about our and Swimming Australia’s inclusion goals, policies and resources, visit this page.