culturally diverse swimmers at a swim league event membership base

Membership is more than just a fee. The sport of swimming would not exist without the support of our members, so we must do all we can to attract and retain and reward our stakeholders. Creating a sense of belonging, a community of people and developing friendships for children and parents will ensure your club membership base is a happy and harmonious one. Being open and inclusive and attracting new members to our sport is a responsibility of a local swimming club.

Our current Swimming NSW memberships were carefully designed to better align with the ever-changing needs of families in our modern society.

In our Swimming NSW Membership Products and Fees brochure you will find all the information you need regarding our upgraded range of membership products suited to our vast range of members, so you can utilise them to the best of your ability at your club this season.

In this section you will find:

Second Claim members

Second claim memberships allow a primary member of one NSW club to become a member of a second club for the purpose of utilising the second club’s services, i.e. training, club nights, club activities.   Primarily developed for swimmers going away to boarding school during the school term and wanting to stay a part of their home club.  

Second claim memberships do not connect to any other membership level (e.g. Swimming Australia, Swimming NSW, or Area) and as such cannot be used to enter meets.

Clubs can determine how they wish to accept second claim members. For example, one club’s rule may be that a Second Claim member can attend club nights but may not participate in Club Championship meets or be eligible for club records.  This is dependent on the club and should be detailed in their By-Laws to avoid any confusion. It is important to note that not all Clubs have By Laws so second claim membership information once passed through a Club meeting should be clearly outlined on the Club website, Club handbook or a place accessible to all Club members when fees are set. 

Second Claim membership matches the swimmer’s primary membership in Swim Central. I.e. if your primary membership is a ‘Club Only’ swimmer and you become a second claim swimmer at another club the second claim membership is restricted to a Club Only swimmer. However, this membership cannot be used to enter meets through the second claim club this can only be done through the primary membership.

Come and Try Events

Come and Try – FREE

New to swimming and not sure which membership is for you? You can sign up for a Come and Try membership!

  • Up to 60-day membership just for NEW members
  • Injury insurance cover for up to 60 days
  • One session per week to try club activities

A club may restrict a Come and Try membership period according to its own policies. Contact your local club for details.

Inclusion and Diversity

Junior Excellence Program

Marketing and Promotions